Whistleblowing Policy


The whistleblowing policy aims to encourage employees, partners, and stakeholders to report any observed or suspected misconduct, unethical behaviour, or illegal activities within Dyaco UK. This policy intends to create a safe, confidential, and secure environment for reporting such concerns without fear of reprisal.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders associated with Dyaco UK.

Reporting Mechanisms

Internal Reporting:

Employees are encouraged to report concerns or incidents to their immediate supervisor, the HR department, compliance officer, or any designated contact person.

Dyaco UK will provide multiple reporting channels, including email, hotline, or dedicated reporting forms to ensure accessibility and confidentiality.

External Reporting:

In cases where an employee is uncomfortable reporting internally or believes that internal reporting has not been effective, they have the option to report concerns to external bodies such as regulatory authorities or legal entities.

Protection of Whistleblowers


Dyaco UK will maintain the confidentiality of whistleblowers to the extent possible, safeguarding their identity during the investigation process, unless required by law or necessary for the investigation.


Dyaco UK prohibits retaliation against individuals who report concerns in good faith. Any form of retaliation against whistleblowers will be considered a violation of company policy and subject to disciplinary action.

Investigation and Response

Prompt Investigation:

Upon receiving a report, Dyaco UK will promptly and thoroughly investigate the concern following established protocols and ensuring fairness.

Communication and Follow-up:

Dyaco UK will communicate the progress and outcome of the investigation to the whistleblower, as appropriate and within legal constraints.

Training and Awareness:

Dyaco UK will provide regular training and awareness programs to employees, ensuring they understand the whistleblowing policy, procedures for reporting, and the importance of ethical behavior.

Policy Review:

The policy will undergo periodic reviews to ensure its effectiveness, compliance with regulations, and alignment with best practices.

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