Training Policy

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Training Policy is to outline the framework for training and development opportunities available to Dyaco UK staff. This policy aims to ensure that employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their roles effectively, contribute to the success of the organisation, and enhance their professional growth.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all Dyaco UK (and associated Companies i.e., Dyaco EU) employees, including full-time, part-time, and temporary staff. It encompasses various forms of training, including orientation, on-the-job training, external courses, workshops, and other development activities.

3. Training and Development Philosophy

Dyaco UK is committed to fostering a culture of continuous learning and development. We recognise that investing in our employee's skills and knowledge contributes to the success and sustainability of the organisation. The company supports a diverse range of training initiatives to meet the evolving needs of our workforce.

4. Responsibilities

4.1 Human Resources Department

The HR department is responsible for:

  • Identifying training needs through performance evaluations, skills assessments, and feedback mechanisms.
  • Developing an annual training plan based on identified needs and organisational goals.
  • Coordinating and facilitating training programs, whether delivered internally or externally.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of training initiatives and making necessary adjustments.

4.2 Managers and Supervisors

Managers and supervisors are responsible for:

  • Identifying specific training needs within their teams.
  • Collaborating with HR to ensure that employees attend required training programs.
  • Supporting employees in applying newly acquired skills on the job.
  • Encouraging a learning culture within their teams.

4.3 Employees

Employees are responsible for:

  • Identifying their own training needs and discussing them with their supervisors.
  • Actively participating in training programs and taking responsibility for their own development.
  • Applying newly acquired skills and knowledge in their day-to-day work.
  • Providing feedback on the effectiveness of training programs.

5. Types of Training

5.1 Induction Training

All new employees will undergo induction training to familiarize themselves with Dyaco UK's policies, procedures, and culture. This includes an introduction to their roles and responsibilities.

5.2 On-the-Job Training

Ongoing on-the-job training will be provided to employees to enhance their skills and competencies within their specific roles. This may include mentorship programs, cross-functional training, and job shadowing.

5.3 External Training

Employees may be encouraged to attend external courses, workshops, seminars, or conferences relevant to their roles and career development. The company may provide financial assistance or time-off support for such external training.

5.4 Professional Development

Dyaco UK supports employees in pursuing professional certifications and qualifications that align with their roles and contribute to their professional growth.

6. Training Evaluation

The effectiveness of training programs will be regularly evaluated through participant feedback, post-training assessments, and performance metrics. This evaluation will be used to enhance future training initiatives.

7. Budget Allocation

Dyaco UK will allocate a budget annually for training and development activities. The HR department will manage this budget and ensure that it is used effectively to address the identified training needs.

8. Review and Revision

This Training Policy will be reviewed annually and revised as necessary to align with the changing needs of the organisation. All employees will be informed of any changes to this policy.

9. Compliance

All staff members are required to comply with this Training Policy.

10. Approval

This Training Policy has been approved by Dean Jackson, CEO, on 09.10.23. Any questions or concerns about this policy should be directed to the Human Resources Department.

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