Sustainability Policy

Dyaco UK Ltd works continuously to find ways in which we can reduce the impact of our work on the environment and promote sustainability and are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and our environmental impact.

Or team actively work towards;

  • complying with all relevant environmental legislations/regulations
  • recycling as much waste material as possible by having separate recycling skips
  • integrating sustainability considerations into our business decisions
  • encouraging our staff to walk, cycle and or use public transport
  • minimising our use of paper and other office consumables by introducing hand-held scanners for the warehousing area
  • reducing the energy consumption of the office and warehouse by installing sensors and energy efficient lighting. Purchased energy efficient equipment and good housekeeping
  • upgrading to ensure efficiencies with heating/air conditioning system
  • identify and provide appropriate training, advise and provide information for staff and encourage them to develop new ideas and initiative
  • reviewing delivery and installations to ensure most efficient transport options and routes are scheduled
  • advising our factory to ensure they are considering product packaging materials

We believe that no matter how small our individual footprint is our responsibility for change is large and something we will continue to take seriously.

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